Yesteryear -

The Backward Glances article in this weeks PNJ (1/5/2023) notes the first reports of the fatal wounding of Edgar W.G. Hulsebus, 26, son of Mr. and Mrs. P.W. Hulsebus of near Canton, one of the very first casualties of World War II. Young Hulsebus was brought to Canton for burial and an estimated 7,500 people attended funeral services held in the Canton High School gymnasium, reported in the Canton Press-News. This photo from that newspaper shows the casket positioned at the front of the stage with members of the Navy Club of Quincy, standing guard, while four local men, Lee Schlager, Dave Alderton, Will Goetz and Art Goetz, sang “The Old Rugged Cross” on the stage.
The death of Hulsebus was the first sacrifice of many made by young men of Canton and Lewis County during WWII.
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